Colorado, Home Away From Home

On the Road to Pagosa Springs

I just love it when Jerry comes in with “we’ve got a problem”. It seems this trip has been fraught with problems and most of them have revolved around tires. Apparently when he put the tire pressuring monitoring disks on the back tires of the Jeep yesterday the air leaked around them and both rear tires were as flat as could be this morning. So off monitoring disks came and out came the big air pressure machine. Thank goodness we have it! A little air and a little time and all was well – I pray. I’m also very thankful for a husband that can fix things! Not sure how much that would have cost if we had called a tire service. Also, again honor and praise to the Lord. Jerry put the system on yesterday so the tires leaked overnight. Had he put them on this morning they would have leaked as we were traveling.

We knew today would be a stressful day but we knew we were in God’s hands and He would lead us each mile of the day. Praise God that we can come before Him asking, believing and receiving. Thank you, Jesus. We had earlier decided not to tow the car so I was behind Jerry today. We finally left the campground at 9:50, stopped for gas in Montrose, and then headed out at 10:15.

The San Juan Skyway is absolutely beautiful but beauty was not on my mind today. As soon as we turned at Ridgeway and began the first ascent Jerry’s top speed was 33! He finally increased it but most of the drive to Pagosa Springs was up and down. I didn’t realize that we would be going right by Mountain Village where we were yesterday on the gondola ride. Yikes! I did get to see some of the glorious colors between the Telluride turn-off and Rico even seeing a brilliant bright orange at one point but mostly I kept my eyes on the road and the coach in front of me. We both pulled off several times because traffic was backing up behind us. At one point I thought two Class C‘s were going to run over me. The one right behind me was following so closely I could not see his tires.

We didn’t stop for lunch as there wasn’t really any place to pull over or if there was, we were upon it and nearly passed it before we realized it. We got to Mountain Landing RV in Pagosa Springs at 3:15 and upon arrival, I just bowed my head and thanked the Lord for safe travel today.

Check-in at Mountain Landing RV was quick and set up was fast as well. As soon as we were settled, we both started grabbing anything we could find to eat! Since we were both pretty exhausted, we decided to spend the rest of the hot afternoon resting and getting ready for three days in Pagosa. Dinner was left-overs as we are trying to clean out the refrigerator before we get too far down the road. Three days in Pagosa, one day at Grand National Sand Dunes, and then we are headed to North Carolina with hopefully no RV or car issues!